One month out from the Mid-Term Elections, Chris Beard & Jesse Hansford go to the charts for some historical perspective on the connection of MARKETS and POLITICS. It turns out there is a stronger correlation of the year in the presidential cycle to market expectations than there is evidence of one party having better performance.

If we remove political worries, what about INFLATION? Well… maybe that is the current boogeyman that we needn’t worry too much over the next 5 or 10 years – based on some market evidence.

If not politics or inflation, then what about the STRENGTH of the US DOLLAR acting as a wrecking ball? The guys discuss that, YES, as long as the dollar keeps climbing it will create a headwind for asset prices… BUT… turns in dollar strength can happen quickly too and offer a tailwind instead.

Volatile markets offer more questions than answers, but Chris and Jesse hope you gain something from their efforts to provide some information through their research process that is not widely shared on the business channels.

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